Istanbul is mystical, mysterious, irresistible with 2700 years of history, the city of three empires...

Serving as the capital of three mighty empires for sixteen centuries, Eastern Roman or Byzantine and Ottoman, and set squarely between two continents, Istanbul has cultures and traditions that blend East with West and Mediterranean with Anatolian.


Istanbul is mystical, mysterious, irresistible with 2700 years of history, the city of three empires...

Serving as the capital of three mighty empires for sixteen centuries, Eastern Roman or Byzantine and Ottoman, and set squarely between two continents, Istanbul has cultures and traditions that blend East with West and Mediterranean with Anatolian.

With a definitely multicultural touch and a vibrant atmosphere rooted deep in the past experience of humanity while facing toward the future, Istanbul is truly as much a crossroads of ideas and cultures today as ever.

  • Visit one of the many underground cisterns,
  • Taste the spices and Turkish delights at Spice Market,
  • Experience a real Turkish Bath,
  • Cruise on the Bosphorus,
  • Lost yourself in the Grand Bazaar labyrnth of 4000 shops,
  • Enjoy Turkish tea and simit in a local cafe by the Bosphorus.
istanbul destination management company turkey
Harmonizing East and West

With a capacity of far over 25 million travelers per year Istanbul is surprisingly within reach - in fact, it's less than a three-hour flight from most European cities. Located at the crossroads of East and West, Istanbul offers easy air connections and is served by more than 50 major airlines to hundreds of cities around the world.

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